Club Goals

Goal 1: To offer educational opportunities for children and adults.

Goal 2: Offer conformation, performance, and hunting related competitions to be enjoyed by all ages. 

Goal 3: Maintain a family-friendly environment.

Goal 4: Welcome the newcomers to the world of dog sports, by creating an open space where newcomers can find information and ask questions and receive the support and information they need to get started and continue in the sport of dogs. 

Goal 5: Impose high standards and expectations of social etiquette & decorum (appropriate social behavior and propriety), including common courtesy, decency, etiquette, grace, manners, respect, and seemliness.

Goal 6: Include and celebrate British and Irish culture and activities as they relate to our club and facility. 

Goal 7: Facility growth, to offer child and adults, even more opportunities for training, events, and overnight retreats and workshops.